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Nature is an English multidisciplinary scientific journal. It was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports and is ascribed an impact factor of 40.137 , making it one of the world's top journals.
Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials.
Cresearch papers
There are also sections on
books and arts. The remain
der of the journal.
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There are many fields of research in which important new advances and original.
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Research are published as either articles or letters in Nature.
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The papers that have been published in this journal are internationally acclaimed.
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21 jan 2018
Recreative Science
In English the most respected scientific journals of this time were the refereed journals of the Royal Society, which had published many of the great works from Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday through to early works from Charles Darwin.
“According to the editors of these popular science magazines”
23 jan 2018
Record and Remembrancer
The enormous progress in sc­ien­ce ­and ma­the­mat­ics ­dur­ing ­the 19th ­century was re­co­rde­d in journals written mostly in German or French, as well as in English. Br­it­ain und­erw­ent enorm­ous te­chnolo­gi­cal and ind­us­tri­al cha­n­ges and ­adv­an­ces­ par­tic­ularly in the latter.
“The publications were designed to serve as organs of science”
In the trend
Covered different fields
While Recreative Science had attempted to include more physical sciences such as astronomy and archaeology, the Intellectual Observer broadened itself further to include literature and art as well. Similar to Recreative Science was the scientific journal.
Reviews, commentary
The journal's name changed from its original title to Intellectual Observer: A Review of Natural History, Microscopic Research, and Recreative Science and then later to the Student and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature, and Art.
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after the conclusion
And format was The Reader,­ crea­ted in 1864;­ the pub­lic­ati­on mixed science with litera­ture and art in an­ atte­mpt to reach an­ audi­ence outside of the scien­tific com­muni­ty, simi­lar to ­Popular Sci­ence Re­view sim­ilar journals.
26 jan 2018
a former editor
But have, indeed, for brevitys of sake, omitted much mores than is here set down. But have, indeed, for brevitys of sake, omitted much mores than is here set down. But have, indeed, for brevitys of sake, omitted much mores than is here set down.
23 jan 2018
Norman Lockyer
Two other journals produ­ced in Engl­and pri­or to the de­vel­opm­nt of Nature were the Qua­rte­rly Jou­rnal of Sc­ienc­e and Sci­enti­fic Opinion, establis­hed in 1864 and 1868, res­pect­ively. The jou­rnal most cl­os­ely related to Na­ture in its editorship.
26 jan 2018
To create a new scientifics
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Abusive and torturous histories. Specifically, the editorial called on examples of J. Marion Sims, the 'Father of gynecology.
Mistakes as it marks its past". The article commented on the placement and maintenance of statues honou- ring scientists.
Nature published an editorial entitled "Removing Statues of Historical figures risks whitewashing history: Science must acknowledge.
The human genome
Each issue of Nature has been accompanied by a Nature Podcast featuring highlights from the issue and interviews with the articles' authors and the journalists covering the research. It is presented by Kerri Smith, and features interviews with scientists on the latest research.
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